Monday, March 29, 2010

Esther (and Jerry) Hicks Channel Abraham

Go with the flow!!!

I absolutely adore Esther Hicks!

If you have any opinions on the subject,
feel free to leave a comment below!

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11 Days in a Dumpster!

Karma.......One of the easiest ways to get something is to give it to another.  Well, if you'd like to make money doing what you love, then here's your chance to help another (me).

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Bob Proctor (From "The Secret") Reveals "The 11 Forgotten Laws" That Make The Law of Attraction An Unbreakable Force 

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Are You the Ointment or the Bacteria?

“the good fight"
an oxymoron?

This piece has no beginning and is open-ended.
My intention is to bring up questions - not answer them.
That’s all you!

I feel that if your eyes are open, you’ll notice patterns.  Lately, I’ve met some extraordinary people, who have outright shocked me with their presence, as mirrors for my creative soul!  Sometimes, you'll run into people who reaffirm your faith in the human spirit, who also serve as opportunities of self-discovery.

In the process, I’ve noticed patterns that I’ve been so firmly entrenched in, during my life, that I realize why my last name is McCall.  I also see it in others – MANY others!  So many others, that I smell a movement afoot (odor joke).  This has reassured me that I’m not alone, except, perhaps, in jokes that only I find clever. Humor lightens the mood.

So.....the pattern goes as follows.  I’ll be swimming along the stream of contentment, on spiritual highs – sharing, caring, and wondering at the beauty of it all.  Then, suddenly, in the stream, a jagged outcropping of rocks bruises my attention:

“Today, the president signed a legislative bill that will cause everyone’s eyes to pop out of their skulls, land in the dirt and be eaten by wolves, blah, blah, blah, puppetry this, puppetry that, etc.”

Okay, I can handle a bruise.  It hurts a little, but the sun is shining on the surface of the stream, so I return to the flow.

I’m floating, casually, when a sharp stick pokes me in the ribs:

“Coca-Cola, McDonald’s and Wal-Mart eat babies, and use the baby bones as weapons to hunt and kill more babies!”
 (Possibly true, by the way.)

OUCH – That REALLY fucking hurt!!!  That stick jabbed me through my ribs and into my soul!  I’m quite sure that I’ve lived hardships beyond the “average” American, but encased in the American bubble, I have only learned, secondhand, of atrocities so horrific that every part of my being sinks upon itself, as my eyes well up with tears.

My friends, I don’t wish to go into who’s to blame.  I feel that if one wanted to uncover that mystery, it would be easier than- The butler did it.  What I do wish to blossom within each of us, is the questioning of what we bring to the mix.

I’m not talking about the two archetypical sides that claim:

“I spread the word.  I protest.  I don’t buy from Wal-Mart.  Therefore, I’m helping to change this fucked up world!”


“I support the troops.  I work hard.  I pay my taxes, just so these welfare cases can drain the best country in the world, the Younited States!!!”

What I’m really getting to, is the question I’ve subconsciously struggled with since I heard “Another Brick in the Wall” by Pink Floyd, when I was 8 years-old.

Where is your energy?!!!

We all live in a cosmic soup.  We’re a large collective of beings, each adding to the recipe.  Add your grain of salt to the soup, and whether you taste it, or not, it does change the flavor.  Convince 5 million more to change their attitude to salty, and the soup may taste like shit!  Ahhhh, but then again, it depends on how salty you like your soup.  I use this analogy to demonstrate the relativity of the matter, based upon your perception.

Yes, it all boils down to your energy.  In the big-time, ultra-grand scheme, perhaps it matters not, but, in the moment, how does the energy you put out into the world personally make you feel?

Do you feel that you’re making a difference in the world by standing up against oppression and being a voice for the voiceless?  Well, carry on, my brothers and sisters!  Do you feel that visualizing a world of peace and abundance by raising the vibration of love in those around you is the way?  Go with your vision!

Personally, I’ve vacillated between the two, my entire life, although the latter calls me.....gently.  The point is that ANY way is okay.  They’re all just flavors in the soup!

Do you feel that waving the flag, backing a candidate and providing for your family is what gets it done?  Keep on truckin’.

It takes all kinds of people to make a world!

So.....back to the original question.  Are you the ointment or the bacteria?  Hopefully, I’ve written this piece from the perspective of the fly climbing out of the ointment.

Maybe, there is no wound, Grasshopper.

A.H.!!! - I feel better.
(Thanks for the reflection!)

If you have any opinions on the subject,
feel free to leave a comment below!

Stay loose, and check out my humor blog
11 Days in a Dumpster!

Karma.......One of the easiest ways to get something is to give it to another.  Well, if you'd like to make money doing what you love, then here's your chance to help another (me).

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Bob Proctor (From "The Secret") Reveals "The 11 Forgotten Laws" That Make The Law of Attraction An Unbreakable Force 

Thursday, March 25, 2010

You are God!!!

I am that I am?

Okay, so, your parents were wrong.
You ARE the center of the Universe!

First, understand that I’m not using the word “Universe” like this is an astronomy class.  It is a metaphor, representing “All that is”.  You, know.....the same way your parents meant it.

Anyway, how does one go about discovering the center of the Universe?  Well, wouldn’t you agree that a fine place to start a search is from right where you are – here and now – and go from there?

In case you haven’t been paying attention, within the past century, scientists (quantum physicists) have discovered what the spiritualists have been saying since the beginning of recorded history – the process by which the world manifests into existence is effected by the observer.....


That being said, we need look no further for the center of the Universe than our own awareness.

You are creating this reality in the present moment.  Many would say that each of us is co-creating this reality with a higher power.  This is a sticky wicket!  From one perspective, the point could be made that “All is One” therefore, how could there be a “higher” power?

Personally, I have an awareness that is exploring this creation.  I am currently playing in this wonderland of words, so, obviously, one thing is experiencing another.  As the author William Samuel has described it, I prefer to think of “God” as simple existence, the “Isness” which pervades all things (including you).  It is the energetic flow of Being.

This leads me to a most powerful, and controversial, statement:

Yes, this baby is God, Buddha is God, Jesus is God, etc....

Then, again, so is the chair, the houseplant and the dead fly on the windowsill.  From this angle, God is not an old man with a long, white beard sitting on a cloud, holding a ruler, waiting to punish you for being a bad boy or girl.  Let’s graduate from thousands of years of spiritual kindergarten, please!

God is the ray of consciousness emanating from your very being.  This is your experience of God – AS God!  The Isness , which is your being, perceives all that exists as itself.  Yes, the words can get swirly and mystical, but to put it in simple terms – God is experiencing creation through your eyes!

When you judge this creation, you put filters in front of those eyes.  This is the meaning of eating the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.  When you judge things (have knowledge of good and evil) it fruits into something that causes you to fall from your garden paradise (happiness).

Let it Bee

A bumblebee has what’s called a “compound eye” formed of a large number of individual hexagonal units.  When all of these units are put together in the brain, the bumblebee sees one vision.  In the same way, each of us is an eye of God.  As “One”, our collective perspectives are the vision of God.

Isness + Isness = Life!

Sit in nature, or a quiet spot, clear the mind and you can feel this all-pervading Isness throughout your being.


If you have any opinions on the subject,
feel free to leave a comment below!

Stay loose, and check out my humor blog
11 Days in a Dumpster!

Karma.......One of the easiest ways to get something is to give it to another.  Well, if you'd like to make money doing what you love, then here's your chance to help another (me).

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Bob Proctor (From "The Secret") Reveals "The 11 Forgotten Laws" That Make The Law of Attraction An Unbreakable Force 

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Brainwash, Rinse and Repeat


Disclaimer:  This piece describes the “average” American.


If you’re the average American, you were born into a hand-me-down world.  Everything you were taught was regurgitated information – beliefs, ideas and expectations from the previous generation, who learned it from the previous generation, ad infinitum.......

For 13 years, the school system’s main objective was to turn you into a competitive, robotic monkey.  Advertisers trained you to buy products.  Religions, perverted by men, were crammed into your head.  Systems of government and laws, which you never agreed to, were forced upon you.  When it was time to leave school, you were pressured, out of guilt and fear, to go to college or join the work “force”.

Hey, that’s the way of the world,
no time to stop and think about it!

Unless, you’re one of those modern rebels, who stay at home smoking pot and playing video games all day (insert sarcasm) you’ve fallen into the routine of the good consumer.

Wake up,
clock in,
clock out,
go home,
eat dinner,
watch TV,
go to sleep.

Only when you’ve fallen totally asleep,
do you have the American dream!

Your head has been programmed with a lifetime of bullshit!

Pick a side – democrat or republican.  Now defend the puppet on the left, or the puppet on the right, like it’s your favorite football team.  A great majority of the history you’ve been taught are flat out lies (The victors write the history books.)  Unless, you’re out there exploring the four corners of the globe (an oxymoron) you don’t know what’s really going on outside your country’s borders, beyond what tightly controlled media outlets feed you.  Although, I guess you’re up to snuff as to what happens when politicians close those big mahogany doors, right?  If you’re not making a conscious effort, even your human relationships are patterns, based on stereotypes and past experiences.

All this, yet, you’ve formed opinions on everything – even on topics you know extremely little about!  How can anyone truly claim to know anything with decades of white noise and static in the brain?

My point is, that unless you’ve taken steps to clear house, I mean really let go of the mental slavery you’ve been under, since birth, please don’t force your run-of-the-mill, regurgitated opinions on others.  Why do you think “kill the zombies” movies have been so hot, recently?  It’s a subconscious metaphor of the collective unconscious.  Although, I could be wrong (I never went to college.)

Yeah, yeah.....I write a lot about how what one focuses attention upon becomes a greater force in personal reality.  I guess I still have some residue that needs scraping from inside my skull.

This piece was inspired by my cousin.

To paraphrase Ram Dass:

If you think you’re enlightened,
go visit your family for the holidays.

My diet, long hair and attire don’t make me a hippie.
My thoughts and feelings do!

Shout out to G. Beebers and Chris D.
My Bohemian brothers!!!

If you have any opinions on the subject,
feel free to leave a comment below!

Stay loose, and check out my humor blog
11 Days in a Dumpster!

Karma.......One of the easiest ways to get something is to give it to another.  Well, if you'd like to make money doing what you love, then here's your chance to help another (me).

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Bob Proctor (From "The Secret") Reveals "The 11 Forgotten Laws" That Make The Law of Attraction An Unbreakable Force 

Sunday, March 21, 2010

The Comedic Genius of Bill Hicks

Bill Hicks (Comedian)
1961 - 1994

Wouldn't you like to see a positive LSD story on the news - to base your decision on information rather than scare tactics and superstition?
Wouldn't that be interesting?
Just for once?

"Today, a young man on acid realized that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration – that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively.  There's no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we're the imagination of ourselves.  Here's Tom with the weather."

Please, please, please 

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feel free to leave a comment below!

Stay loose, and check out my humor blog
11 Days in a Dumpster!

Karma.......One of the easiest ways to get something is to give it to another.  Well, if you'd like to make money doing what you love, then here's your chance to help another (me).

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Bob Proctor (From "The Secret") Reveals "The 11 Forgotten Laws" That Make The Law of Attraction An Unbreakable Force 

Friday, March 19, 2010

Dream Interpretation

Pinch me!

Dream interpretation is a very open subject.  People, places and things have different personal meanings to each of us.  There are scores of books which will tell you that a dog symbolizes loyalty.  But what about the dreamer who was bitten by a dog as a child and now has a great fear of them?  To that person, a dog in a dream might represent the inability to trust one’s survival instincts.  Therefore, my disclaimer to this piece is that the following dream definitions are reference points from my own personal discovery of the symbology inherent within the collective unconscious.

Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar!

That being said, let’s dive, fly or float into the dream world!

Whenever one analyzes a dream, an extremely beneficial practice is to observe how one FEELS about the people, events, objects, etc. within it.  Sliding down a hill, joyfully, can mean something totally different than doing it fearfully.


Following is a very brief, general key of the map of symbols along the dream path.

Men:  The conscious mind, what you’re aware of, thoughts, logic, attention, focus
Women:  The subconscious mind, hidden forces, intuition, feelings, gut reactions
Children:  Innocence, purity
Your children:  That which you create in the world
Your parents:  Where your identity comes from
Others:  Analyze what that person represents to you.  We’re all reflections of one another!


Buildings:  Various forms of your inner self
Your house:   Your inner self
Backyard:  The past
Front yard:  The future
Windows:  Your perspective
Doorways:  A shift in perspective
Rooms:  Inner focus (For example, the kitchen is where you gain energy, the bedroom is rest, sex, etc.)
School:  Learning, social issues (Once again, it depends on the feeling!)
Work:  How you support yourself
Church:  Obviously, the spiritual quest
Environment (desert, forest, ocean, etc.):  See “Earth, air water, fire” in the next section.


Earth:  Grounding issues, connection to the physical
Air:  The mind, thoughts, ideas, opinions, beliefs
Water:  Emotions, feelings
Fire:  Drives, ambitions, pursuits, goals, plans, motivation
Any of these elements in extreme manifestation represent an imbalance.  For example, a tornado may symbolize thoughts being out of control.
Animals:  Basic survival instincts, animal urges (This is more clearly defined by the type of animal in the dream.  There is a great deal of literature on the subject.)
Vehicles:  Your will, intent, behavior, “drive”

This is an incredibly short list of dream symbology.  My intent is to spark interest in further study.  Once again, these are my own findings.  I encourage you to open your eyes to the patterns in your world.....and beyond.

Sweet dreams!

If you have any opinions on the subject,
feel free to leave a comment below!

Stay loose, and check out my humor blog
11 Days in a Dumpster!

Karma.......One of the easiest ways to get something is to give it to another.  Well, if you'd like to make money doing what you love, then here's your chance to help another (me).

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Bob Proctor (From "The Secret") Reveals "The 11 Forgotten Laws" That Make The Law of Attraction An Unbreakable Force 

Monday, March 15, 2010

Freedom from the Cage of Personal Perspective

Is this room empty, or is it just me?

You have a very unique rhythm.  Nobody or nothing vibrates with the exact same frequency as you.  Biochemically, you are a self-contained Universe.  This very personal vibration renders you a magnet to the forces which create your life!

From the vantage point of individual perspective, we each live in an entirely different dimension of reality.  If you really take the time to give this idea some serious contemplation, it is truly mind-boggling!  Now, if we identify “who we are” with these single-pointed perspectives of reality, then we are utterly alone.  Thus, the others around you live in self-contained points of perspective, and are alone, as well.

A paradox develops.  If we are each alone in our own little worlds, then don’t we have that in common?  This means that when it comes to being alone - you’re not alone!  What about the way in which our Universes overlap?  Are you playing a supporting role in the story of my life, or am I merely a prop on your theater stage?

Many spiritually-minded have deduced that the issue at hand is our incessant need to cling to our personal points of perspective, in such manic fashion, that a separate sense of self (ego) is inevitable.  After all, we’ve spent a lifetime worshiping at the altar of our identities.  We have a lot of stock invested in the company called “Me”.

Okay, let’s look at this from a different angle (perspective).  Everyone has had empathetic moments – those experiences in which you’ve aligned your perspective with that of another.  Perhaps, you’ve been at a concert and felt like it was you onstage letting the melodies overtake you.  Maybe, a family member had been emotionally hurt to a degree that it felt like it was happening to you.

On the flip side, you’ve had times when you were so locked inside yourself that extremely intense events and experiences happened to others which didn’t affect you in the slightest.  Ever watch the news?

This demonstrates that you’ve always had the powerful choice to step outside of your personal cage or remain “safe” within its protective walls.  One must wonder that if the power exists to step outside your personal cage to any degree, than how far from that personal cage can one travel?

This piece is being written from a single perspective to illustrate the fluid nature of single perspectives.  The totality of all that exists (God) is limitless beyond comprehension.  This is not recognized when the door to the cage of perspective is closed.  It is possible for one to spend a lifetime looking for the key, without lifting the head long enough to notice that the door is open.

You feel me?

If you have any opinions on the subject,
feel free to leave a comment below!

Stay loose, and check out my humor blog
11 Days in a Dumpster!

Karma.......One of the easiest ways to get something is to give it to another.  Well, if you'd like to make money doing what you love, then here's your chance to help another (me).

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Bob Proctor (From "The Secret") Reveals "The 11 Forgotten Laws" That Make The Law of Attraction An Unbreakable Force 

Friday, March 12, 2010

The Stream of Life

This blog gets an "E" for effortless!

Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin; and yet I say to you that even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.  -Jesus

I can see why many cultures of old revered the Sun as their God.  The plants of Earth reach for this solar being without any thought.  With an effortless impetus, they grow in splendor.  It is the same with us.  Find that true desire, that blazing Sun in your personal sky, and grow toward it.

The way toward the Sun can grow cloudy.  The rain may deluge your “plans” for 40 days and 40 nights.  If your ark is strong, you will one day arrive in a new world.  The rain is there to wet your passion, to feed all you’ve planted.

Go with the ever-flowing current of Life’s moving stream.  Only when we hold on to the rocks or fight the “current” moment does the stream beat us up.

Yes, your parents, your teachers and your peers have taught you that fighting the stream is noble and will win you accolades.  “How much stress can you handle?”  Worry, fear, doubt, guilt and such are jagged rocks in the stream.  Let go!

Everything you desire is downstream! 

The lily does not struggle to be an oak tree, because other lilies said so.  If it did, surely this struggle would deprive the lily of the energy it needs to blossom.

Spring is the season of new beginnings, and the rain surely comes.  Summer is the season of growth, when the world reaches for the Sun.  In autumn, the rewards are harvested.  In winter, there is rest.

Spring is upon us.  The rains of spring will surely feed the stream.  Ride the current.  When the water is calm, it will signal you to row.  Rapids will ensue.  Waterfalls will take you to new levels.  The sights will amaze you!  Eventually.....

The stream will lead you to the ocean!

If you have any opinions on the subject,
feel free to leave a comment below!

Stay loose, and check out my humor blog
11 Days in a Dumpster!

Karma.......One of the easiest ways to get something is to give it to another.  Well, if you'd like to make money doing what you love, then here's your chance to help another (me).

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Bob Proctor (From "The Secret") Reveals "The 11 Forgotten Laws" That Make The Law of Attraction An Unbreakable Force 

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


 Going green, seeing red!

For the past few years, there’s been a barrel full of hubbub about the irreversible damage humankind is doing to our fair sister – Earth.  The old adage use to be that if you want to keep your friends, don’t talk religion or politics.  I believe it’s safe to say that we can add “the environment” to that list!  Well, take a deep breath of your air of choice, because in the words of Bob Marley:

Every little gonna be alright.

In the late 90’s / early 2000’s, I was still in my idealistic twenties.  My very close friend, and poet supreme, Bret Duncan and I would perform spoken word at coffee shops and events, throughout the Cincinnati area.  I was full force, hell-bent on changing the world, one mind at a time.
Punk Skot

Torrents of cleverly crafted outrage would blast forth in sardonic measure, as I thumbed my nose at the bastard, offspring culture created by the establishment.  I felt, or rather thought, I was educating the masses on the horrors of slave labor camps, the meat and dairy industry, and other such evils.  My favorite sewage to sling involved pointing out that humans had become robotic, self-serving drones.  My blood boiled at the blasé, nonchalant way in which those around me viewed the atrocities of the world.  “As long as it’s not in my backyard!” seemed the prevailing mindset.

Then it happened.  I was in the woods enjoying a Rainbow Gathering (a hippy happening).  I was going off on some random corporation with environmental angst.  A guy, not much older than myself, tried to make me see the redundancies of fighting “the wrongs of the world” with massive amounts of negative energy and focus.  I was using my breath to blow out a huge fire.  This was merely feeding the flames.  I didn’t get it.  I was convinced that if I enlightened enough people, we could all blow out the fire at once.

A decade later, I get it.  Ironically, now that it’s in their own backyards, I see so many people with the intense opposition to the system that I wanted to see ten years ago.  Bret and I can still have a good chuckle about this.

As I near the forty year-old marker, it’s not that I’ve settled down.  It’s simply that I’ve turned off our cultural distractions long enough to give meditative contemplation to the forces that create personal reality.  I’ve thus far surmised that the energy we put out, via our focus of attention, shapes our lives, even on a physical, global scale.

A child will tell you that what you feed grows bigger.  Whatever it is that you want to grow bigger – feed that!  Whatever your vision of paradise on Earth, start to acknowledge it in little pieces.  Springtime is nearly upon us.  Hear the birdsongs in the morning.  Notice the variety of colored tulips.

This is not turning a blind eye toward the harsh realities of a bleak future.  This is opening our eyes to the perfection of moments that lead, one after another, through the gates of infinity!  If that sounds too mystical and flakey for you, how about:

Turn your attention toward solutions, not problems!

There, there, you’re safely back on Earth.  Now, take a deep breath of crisp, clean, fresh air, because every little gonna be alright!

Thanks, Bret.
Thanks, hippy guy.
Thanks, Bob Marley.
Thanks, tulips!

If you have any opinions on the subject,
feel free to leave a comment below!

Stay loose, and check out my humor blog
11 Days in a Dumpster!

Karma.......One of the easiest ways to get something is to give it to another.  Well, if you'd like to make money doing what you love, then here's your chance to help another (me).

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Bob Proctor (From "The Secret") Reveals "The 11 Forgotten Laws" That Make The Law of Attraction An Unbreakable Force 

Monday, March 8, 2010

The Secret 4 Realms of the Law of Attraction: The Mental Realm (Part 2)

I think, therefore, I am.....thinking.

Step #3:

Change the Blueprints.  Go down the list and write an opposing viewpoint for every belief.  For example, if you wrote: "I am overweight, because everyone in my family is overweight.",  an opposing viewpoint would be: "My weight is my decision.  I have the power to choose whether or not to be overweight."  This exercise will reveal to you that you truly do have choices.


Someone recently asked me: "How can I believe that a thought vibration actually leaves my head, journeys into the Universe, and causes events to occur a certain way?"

Does it seem too...unrealistic?

Consider two people.  The first person, Bob, believes that everyone in the city is mean-spirited, rude and obnoxious.  As a consequence, he travels through the city with his antennae ready, waiting for others to behave this way.  Soon enough, Bob encounters a disgruntled passerby and grumbles, "See, didn't I tell you people in the city are mean?!!!"  Pleasant people are certainly there, but they escape his attention.

Bob does this to justify his thoughts.   He is caught in a loop. Until Bob consciously realizes this,we call his thoughts "unconscious".  He remains cloaked amidst a tailor-made, self-fulfilling prophecy.  These thoughts affect his body posture, the words he uses, even his actions.  Is it no wonder that later in the evening Bob finds himself in the middle of a fight?

We'll call the second person "Adam".  Adam has always believed that people in the city are fun and exciting!  Upon Adam's metropolitan journey he observes others behaving friendly, cheerful and inviting.  He pays no heed to the unhappy or miserable.  With these thoughts, Adam holds his body much differently than Bob.  His words and actions are also more open, not as defensive.  He even has a greater range of emotional possibilities.  As a result, Adam finds himself invited to a party later that night.  This is Adam's self-fulfilling prophecy.

Sure, these two examples are super-simplistic.  That is the point - to make it clearly understood: Bob's thoughts attracted to him the experience of a fight.  Adam's thoughts attracted to him the experience of a party.

A friend recently mentioned to me that he had taken up the guitar.  With youthful wonder he recalled how he had just learned to strum an E chord.  "There is so much you can do with just that one chord!" he declared.  I made it clear to him that this type of thinking would yield a much different outcome than if he were to think, "Urrrrgh! All I know is this one stupid chord!"  He understood that depending on his attitude, his basic approach to the guitar, there exists a choice between many types of guitarists which may emerge from within.  "Yes!" I enthusiastically stated, "This is how it is for all of us, in every moment!"  This is how thoughts attract experiences.

Our thoughts set off chain events.  These are ripples extending into the vast sea of energy in which we are immersed.  The movement of any fish sends underwater currents that change the structure of the entire ocean.  The butterfly effect.  If any of this seems too logical or obvious, than maybe we can allow the idea that, "Thoughts attract experiences." to become part of our collective awareness.  Shall we place it in the file marked "Common Sense"?

If you have any opinions on the subject,
feel free to leave a comment below!

Stay loose, and check out my humor blog
11 Days in a Dumpster!

Karma.......One of the easiest ways to get something is to give it to another.  Well, if you'd like to make money doing what you love, then here's your chance to help another (me).

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Bob Proctor (From "The Secret") Reveals "The 11 Forgotten Laws" That Make The Law of Attraction An Unbreakable Force 

Saturday, March 6, 2010

The Secret 4 Realms of the Law of Attraction: The Mental Realm (Part 1)

Are these the blueprints I requested? 

The mind is like a file cabinet.

INGOING: All information is labeled and stored away.

OUTGOING: As situations occur, we reach into this file cabinet to determine our reactions.

The ability of the mind is a gift.  It is a survival mechanism.  The mind identifies, "There is a hot stove."  The file marked "stove" is instantly pulled out.  Your brain warns you that if you touch the stove, it will burn you.

For ages the mind has been compared to a knife.  It is a useful tool, but can cause harm if misused.  When a person identifies "who they are" with their mind, it becomes baggage, issues, ego - whichever you prefer.  It replaces all intuitive ways of approaching Life.  One becomes a robot.  People tend to perpetuate this way of being out of fear.  Another term for this file cabinet is the "subconscious mind".  The subconscious holds the blueprints for all that you experience.  The mind retrieves these files for use.

When Cindy was a child an adult told her that money is bad.  As with everything, she stored this thought in her subconscious.  The adult repeated it again, and again, and again.  In time, this information became a very thick file in her subconscious.  Now she's an adult.  When money situations occur, her conscious mind reaches into the files of her subconscious mind and responds with the belief that, "Money is bad."  Cindy wonders why she remains broke.

This same pattern applies to EVERY aspect of Life!  Basically, your subconscious is crammed with blueprints that may be serving you or going against your desires.  The wonderful part is that in any moment we can rewrite our blueprints to reflect our desires!

Here's how:

(Even if you don't choose to follow these three steps, I encourage you to read them for some priceless wisdom.)
Step #1:

Identify the Blueprints.  Okay, here comes the standard "write it down" exercise.  It's a classic because of its effectiveness.  Choose an area of your Life in which you would like to see your desires fulfilled.  Money, relationships, health, career, self-image, you name it.  Let's say you've been looking for Love in all the wrong places.  Write down all of those limiting beliefs about Love, which you've been carrying around.  "All the good men are taken."  "Women only want you for your money."  "Love doesn't come easily."  "Who would want me? I'm too unattractive, old, boring...etc."  After you have compiled your list, DO NOT reread it as a whole!  Set it aside for step #2.

Step #2:

The Blueprints are not You!  Any blueprints you have formed are a composite of a lifetime of incoming information from your family, friends, teachers, classmates, coworkers, the media, and other environmental influences.  Your hard drive has been continually programmed from birth. The grand paradox is that these influences are merely reflections of you!.

Take your list from step #1 and turn it face down in front of you.  DO NOT turn it over until you realize with your heart that THIS IS NOT YOUR BLUEPRINT!  You do not have to claim this blueprint any longer!  The list in front of you is a patchwork of what others in your Life have believed.  Some would protest that it is in their "nature" to be a certain way.  "Human nature" is only a thought, feeling or action that has been repeated so often that it has become "human habit".  When you attain some level of peace that the thoughts on this list do not belong to you, it is then time to turn over the piece of paper.  Allow a sense of detached freedom resulting from your new awareness.

TO BE CONTINUED...........

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feel free to leave a comment below!

Stay loose, and check out my humor blog
11 Days in a Dumpster!

Karma.......One of the easiest ways to get something is to give it to another.  Well, if you'd like to make money doing what you love, then here's your chance to help another (me).

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Bob Proctor (From "The Secret") Reveals "The 11 Forgotten Laws" That Make The Law of Attraction An Unbreakable Force 

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Returning to the Void

There's no place like home!

Whether we call It “God, the Universe, a Higher Power, Jah, Ra, Allah, or Rama-lama-ding-dah”, a cosmic energy force brought you out of the void, and you may return at any time.  For a relatively brief moment, you exist in this reality – a mere, flickering spark in relation to infinity!  This cosmic energy force whips up stars out of dark space and un-ending galaxies of magnitudes incomprehensible.

Here you are, perceiving all of this wonder in the blink of an eternal eye, before returning to the void.  Now, take a look at the objects in front of you.  POOF!  There they are, in their entire splendor.  At one time, this blue ball we live upon was a confluence of chemical reactions floating through space, and now, VIOLA!  There is a computer at your fingertips!

The point I wish to make is that this cosmic energy force at the center of existence, which has propelled everything into being, and which is a part of all that is, has also made you!

Seven questions:

What is your part in all of this?

Do you remember actually, physically, on purpose growing the brain inside your skull?

Do you remember forming the branches on the tree outside your window?

So.....which is inherently you, the brain or the tree?

Can you answer these questions before it all returns to the void, and NONE of it is you?

Hold on, if I return to the void and none of it is me, does that mean that right now, ALL of it is me?

Hmmm.....Hasn’t that concept been the basis of most spiritual precepts since the beginning of recorded history?

(Might be worth a thought or two.) 

Disclaimer:  Even the fact-finding quantum physicists inform us that it’s all relative based on the perception of the observer.   

Perceive on!

If you have any opinions on the subject,
feel free to leave a comment below!

Stay loose, and check out my humor blog
11 Days in a Dumpster!

Karma.......One of the easiest ways to get something is to give it to another.  Well, if you'd like to make money doing what you love, then here's your chance to help another (me).

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Bob Proctor (From "The Secret") Reveals "The 11 Forgotten Laws" That Make The Law of Attraction An Unbreakable Force