Saturday, October 10, 2009

You Can Fly: Astral Projection for Kids - Part 1

Up, up and away!

This is part 1 of an article I wrote a while ago.  I was going through a phase when I couldn't understand why we freely teach children Christianity, but keep the metaphysical alternatives in the dark.  The following was my attempt to add a little something to the world in this regard.

Have you ever wanted to fly?
Have you ever closed your eyes
and imagined soaring over the trees?
Do you have dreams at night
that you're floating above the clouds?
Did you know that it is possible to close your eyes
and have a real-life, magical, flying adventure?

It is called astral projection.  Another term for this kind of journey is an "out of body experience".

Before I explain how to astral project, let me tell you a story.  This is a story my mom told to me, when I was a kid.  When she was about five years old, she had problems with her legs.  She was in so much pain, that when she laid in her bed at night, she wished she could leave her body.  So she did!  She didn't know how, but she would sit up, out of her body, float up to the ceiling and then fly out of here room.  She said it was very fun, and she felt free!

As I grew a little older, I wanted to learn more about her amazing experience.  I went to the school library and found out, that when someone leaves their body, it is called "astral projection".  You may have never heard these words before, so let me grab a dictionary.....

.....okay, I'm back!

Now, let's look at the first word - "astral".  My very, merry dictionary says that "astral" means: Anything that is just like the stars or has to do with the stars.  For example, if you have a Grandma whose eyes are bright and shiney, like a star, you could say that she has "astral" eyes. (I think she would like that.)  If you look closely at the word "astral", it even has the words "a star" hidden inside of it.  Yes, words are tricky and magical, like that!  It also has the words "Al's rat" hidden inside of it, but don't tell Al, or his rat might try to escape and go to Hollywood to be a movie star!

So, we now know what the word "astral" means, but how about the word "projection"?  My very, merry dictionary says that a "projection" is something that sticks out.  Have you ever been to a movie theatre and looked behind you, into the darkness?  Did you see that light, way up high, that shines onto the movie screen?  It makes a "projection" onto the screen.

What have we learned so far?

Astral = Anything that has to do with the stars.

Projection = Something that goes out.

Astral + projection = Going out toward the stars.

Yes, YOU can have an astral projection.  You can go out toward the stars.  In fact, you can go anywhere you'd like!  You can float through outer space, you can visit your friend's house, or you can just fly around your room!  Does this sound fun and exciting, but a little bit weird?

You might be asking yourself, "How can I do this?  How can I astral project?"  First, let's talk about who YOU are.  You have a thumb.  You have shoulders and a belly-button.  You also have feelings and thoughts.  So which part is REALLY you?  Are your fingernails you, or are you your voice that speaks words?  Sometimes, even grown-ups have a hard time figuring out which part they really are.  The truth is, that YOU ARE EVERYTHING!  That's right, you can be, do or have anything, because you are a part of everything you see around you.

But, what does this have to do with astral projection?  Well, let me tell you.......Your body is a tool.  It is there for you to use, just like a spoon, or a pencil, or a hammer.  If you want to run somewhere, or grab something, your body is a wonderful tool to get the job done!  Just like a spoon, a pencil or a hammer, you can also lay your body down when you're not using it.  We do this every night when we go to sleep.  In fact, right after you climb into bed is a perfect time to have an astral projection.

Did you know that your body can go to sleep, but you can stay awake?  Yep, while your body is asleep there is a part of you, inside your body, that can journey out and explore.  This part of you is called your "astral body".  Some people call your astral body, your "soul" or your "spirit".  It is the energy inside your body that makes it move around and be alive.  Your astral body can do anything your imagination can do.  It can fly, swim, go through walls or travel faster than a race car.  It can even be invisible!

Having an astral projection is like being in a dream, but you're awake.  Just like being in a dream, you can also wake up, anytime you want.  Most people who have had astral projections, tell us there is a long, silver cord, or a long string, that goes from your body asleep in the bed, to your astral body that is having the adventure.  It is connected to your belly-buttons!  This keeps you safe, while you're exploring.


If you have any opinions on the subject, feel free to leave a comment below!

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