Friday, October 2, 2009

Trees are Enlightened

.....and that's heavy, man!

It's Fall again, yet with an Autumny aftertaste.
Is there any other season that goes by two names?

Rooty and Me

Two years ago, as the leaves were falling, here in southern Ohio, my family and I found ourselves at the spring ("spring water" that is.....clear gold.....Ohio tea!).  A rather majestic elm tree was shedding its Summer foliage of yellow into our waiting hands.  As humans do, we made a contest of it.  All we can remember, now, is that Tonyana beat me and Rooty by catching 75 leaves.  Seems like a surprisingly round number to me!  In retrospect, that was a very picturesque, zen, snapshot of a moment.  One of those moments of which you hope your life has many.

From one of our trips to Red River Gorge, Kentucky

Yesterday, we were at the spring, again.  With the "glug-glug" of a filling jug in the cool air, my mind lazily wafted among the beech and elm branches above us.  I returned to a thought that has nested in my brain since childhood - TREES ARE ENLIGHTENED!  I grabbed my notebook from the car and jotted down:

10 Reasons Why Trees are Enlightened
  1. They are in a constant state of meditation.
  2. Each branch stretches out and divides into two, according to the needs of the tree to strike balance.
  3. The blood in their "veins" is sweeter than honey.
  4. In forests, they strive for sunlight, but do not fight for it.
  5. A tree's root system is the same size as its network of branches.  (As above, so below.)
  6. A tree lives, dies and is buried at its place of birth.
  7. Trees give and receive, freely.  Much more could be stated about this fact!
  8. A branch hundreds of feet in the air can drop a seed, smaller than a dime, containing enough life force to produce branches reaching hundreds of feet in the air.
  9. They have no sense of time, yet allow the rhythms of each season.
  10. On occasion, the way a certain tree clots with sap and forms a knot makes it look like it has a butthole.

 This was directly in the path!
Red River Gorge, Kentucky

Stay loose, and check out my new humor blog
11 Days in a Dumpster!

Karma.......One of the easiest ways to get something is to give it to another.  Well, if you'd like to make money doing what you love, then here's your chance to help another (me).

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Bob Proctor (From "The Secret") Reveals "The 11 Forgotten Laws" That Make The Law of Attraction An Unbreakable Force


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