Thursday, October 15, 2009

Toltec Wisdom: Reality is the Light in Your Eye

Eye candy, everywhere!

The "reality" you see in front of you is like a large screen at the front of the movie theater.  Your mind is the projector at the back of the theater.  YOU are the star of your own movie!

Lights!  Camera!  ACTION!!!

Did someone say "lights"?  Light, my friend, bounces off everything you see.  If you've been blessed with the gift of sight, this reflected light then enters your beautiful eyes.

Remember, in school, when the science teacher showed you the illustration of the eyeball and taught that any image you see is actually upside-down at the back of your eye?  Well, your brain translates it into a "real" object, although it is nothing more than light bouncing off an energy field with centers of vibration spinning so fast that they give the illusion of appearing solid.  Heavy, man!

After reading this piece to Tonyana, she asked, "Then how come I can FEEL things?"  Yes, that does make things seem pretty real, so let me explain.  We know that light bounces off an object and enters the brain through the eyes.  Well, each of your five senses has a pathway to enter the brain.  It's the same process, just a different way to reach your brain.  The sense of touch uses the central nervous system.  Remember again, in school, that illustration of the skeleton with all that veiny-looking stuff that grossed you out with the exposed brain and no genitals.......

Anyway, light bounces off an object, and your brain translates this bouncing light into an image.  The real kicker, is that your mind has formed ideas about the image which distort the reality of what is being perceived.  The label you attach to the image you perceive actually changes the image being seen.  So, when you see a tree, are you really seeing it, or do you see the label "oak tree" that you've used over and over to put that image of light into it's proper category?  Very useful skill for survival, but what if we want to evolve past surviving to thriving?

This labeling process applies to the people around you, as well as the wo/man in the mirror.  This concept opens up a whole new 50-gallon drum of worms!  Essentially, our programming from outside influences (parents, teachers, peers, TV, government, society, etc.)  has occurred since birth, and has clouded your lens of perception.  For some of you, the light bouncing off the energy field may not be the romantic comedy you envisioned.

Just look at religion.  How many of your concepts of God are related to outside influences?  How many people do you know who have been able to shake off everything they were taught about "God" and find out the true meaning of this ineffable force?

Free your mind, and the rest will follow!  You can practice on that "oak tree".

The Toltec system of wisdom
addresses this knowledge very powerfully!

If you have any opinions on the subject,
feel free to leave a comment below!

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11 Days in a Dumpster!

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