Sunday, October 4, 2009

The Secret 4 Realms of the Law of Attraction

Elementary speaking!

Okay, ladies and gentle-germs, it's time to bombard your craniums with the "secrets" of the Universe.

For starters, the word "Universe" is divided into "Uni-verse" which is "one verse" and that one verse is "I am".  "I am" is your creative power.  Whatsoever a man thinketh, he becometh.  That is why it is the name of God!

Okay, back to the matter at hand.....

Anything that you experience, ALL that can be named, falls into one of the following categories.  These 4 realms are the tools with which we manifest reality.  You have been using them your entire life, in every waking moment.  Now, it's time to become consciously aware of them.

You ready?
I give you.....(drumroll).....

The 4 Realms (Stated in a deep, booming voice)

All of the objects in front of you exist in the physical realm. This includes whatever you are able to perceive with the senses. Anything you can see, hear, smell, taste or touch fits into this area. It encompasses the entire material world that surrounds us. The physical realm stands apart as the medium in which everything takes place. It is the arena.

This realm includes all of our thoughts - ideas - opinions - beliefs. All constructs of the mind have their place in the mental realm. I'm sure you "understand".

All that we feel takes place in the emotional realm. From fear and anger, to bliss and love.  These pulls from within, form our internal guidance system. "E"motion = Energy in motion!

This realm is all about our drives. It is "spiritual" in the way that it represents our "spirit". It has been known as the animating Life force from within. It is our inner fire, the place of desire - ambition - action. Your striving toward a goal is the voice of the entire Universe shouting, "BE, DO, HAVE THIS!"


Many Native American tribes, throughout the ages, have followed some type of Medicine Wheel divided into four parts. They referred to anything that could help us as "medicine". These four parts of the medicine wheel represent the 4 realms. They, as well as most cultures, understood that everything in life is a correspondence reflecting this process back to us.

Amazingly, so much correlates to the 4 realms.


Earth - Air - Water - Fire
Spring - Winter - Summer - Autumn
East - North - South - West
Sunrise - Midnight - Noon - Sunset
Birth - Death - Adolescence - Adulthood
RedYellow - Black - White (Races)
Diamonds - Spades - Hearts - Clubs
Toto - Scarecrow - Tin Man - Lion

Okay, so now you know the 4 realms! These may be used as a model for you to learn how reality is created.  As this blog develops, I will delve more deeply into this creative pool of vibration creation, and share this wisdom!

Stay loose, and check out my humor blog
Happy Birthday to my dad,
Henry James (Skip) McCall
Rest in Peace.

Karma.......One of the easiest ways to get something is to give it to another.  Well, if you'd like to make money doing what you love, then here's your chance to help another (me).

If you benefit from Vibration Creation,
you can do three things:
  1. Spread the word!
  2. Click the ads!
  3. Subscribe!

Bob Proctor (From "The Secret") Reveals "The 11 Forgotten Laws" That Make The Law of Attraction An Unbreakable Force 


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