Friday, February 26, 2010

Follow the Fun!!!

...down the rabbit hole!

When it comes to passion, I’ve noticed that most people go to either one, of two, extremes.  The first type feels overwhelmed with the choices of where to place their energies.

Should I go back to school?
Start a business?
Write a book?
Learn to cook?
All this, while I’m working my job and dealing with the kids?
Man, the dog just shit on the carpet!!!

We’ll call this the overactive type, for lack of a better description.

Then there is the type who is bored.  This type doesn’t feel inspired.  They, generally, settle into whatever personal distraction suits them.  In America, this usually includes brightly colored images on a screen.  We’ll call this the underactive type.

Often, these two types attract one another.  Sound familiar?

Good news!
There is a middle ground.
A zero point.

Like all solutions, it involves being in the present moment.

Now, at some time, we set goals of what we expect from life.

Someday, I hope to be a (fill-in-the-blank).
I want to have a certain amount of money,
be famous, fall in love...and so on.

Then, when challenges naturally occur, as part of the growth process, we find it easier to self-sabotage, then to persevere.

The overactive type finds a million other things that need to be done.  The underactive type figures, “Why even bother if it’s not going to work out, anyway?”  What’s ironic is that for both types of people the remedy is exactly the same.
Follow the fun!

I’m not suggesting that you abandon all of those lofty, well-designed plans you’ve made.  I mean, look how far they’ve gotten you (insert sarcasm)!  What I am suggesting, is that you look around at what excites you in every moment.

Some of my favorite hikes in the woods were not the ones where I planned to be at a certain place at a certain time, and then rushed to get there.  They were mellow journeys in which I felt inspired to follow a particular line of sycamore trees, or head toward a melodious sparrow’s call in the distance.  Follow the fun in every moment, and, one day, you will pause to witness a dazzling mosaic of experience surrounding you!

This approach works for the overactive type who lets go of the mile-long checklist in order to follow the fun, one project at a time.  Carrying in the groceries can lead to inspirational realizations, when one is not busy going over the next 15 tasks on the list.

For the underactive type, following the fun means consciously finding new joy in even the smallest activities.  This can lead to the door of inspiration opening further and further!

From an overactive viewpoint, I’ve taken great inspiration in the story of Leonardo da Vinci.  I’ve heard it stated that everyone surrounding this fascinating artist warned him that he was scattering his energies in too many fields, and that he should focus his attention on a single pursuit.

Da Vinci would study drawing for awhile, then suddenly shift gears and dabble in chemistry.  Just as abruptly, he would jump into biology, mechanics, painting or algebra.

He was following his fun!

Over a lifetime, this continued.  As time unfolded, he began combining the skills he learned from these various fields.  As a result, Leonardo da Vinci left the world with phenomenal marvels of genius!

So, I say to you, follow your fun in every moment.  Eventually, you will detach from your rigid expectations of the outcome.  This will happen because you’re too busy following your fun to worry where it leads.  Once you’re excited about every step upon the path, the thorn bushes will part before you, and the way will be made clear.

What an easy way to reach the castle!

P.S. – I wrote this blog for you, because it was fun!

If you have any opinions on the subject,
feel free to leave a comment below!

Stay loose, and check out my humor blog
11 Days in a Dumpster!

Karma.......One of the easiest ways to get something is to give it to another.  Well, if you'd like to make money doing what you love, then here's your chance to help another (me).

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