Wednesday, March 10, 2010


 Going green, seeing red!

For the past few years, there’s been a barrel full of hubbub about the irreversible damage humankind is doing to our fair sister – Earth.  The old adage use to be that if you want to keep your friends, don’t talk religion or politics.  I believe it’s safe to say that we can add “the environment” to that list!  Well, take a deep breath of your air of choice, because in the words of Bob Marley:

Every little gonna be alright.

In the late 90’s / early 2000’s, I was still in my idealistic twenties.  My very close friend, and poet supreme, Bret Duncan and I would perform spoken word at coffee shops and events, throughout the Cincinnati area.  I was full force, hell-bent on changing the world, one mind at a time.
Punk Skot

Torrents of cleverly crafted outrage would blast forth in sardonic measure, as I thumbed my nose at the bastard, offspring culture created by the establishment.  I felt, or rather thought, I was educating the masses on the horrors of slave labor camps, the meat and dairy industry, and other such evils.  My favorite sewage to sling involved pointing out that humans had become robotic, self-serving drones.  My blood boiled at the blasé, nonchalant way in which those around me viewed the atrocities of the world.  “As long as it’s not in my backyard!” seemed the prevailing mindset.

Then it happened.  I was in the woods enjoying a Rainbow Gathering (a hippy happening).  I was going off on some random corporation with environmental angst.  A guy, not much older than myself, tried to make me see the redundancies of fighting “the wrongs of the world” with massive amounts of negative energy and focus.  I was using my breath to blow out a huge fire.  This was merely feeding the flames.  I didn’t get it.  I was convinced that if I enlightened enough people, we could all blow out the fire at once.

A decade later, I get it.  Ironically, now that it’s in their own backyards, I see so many people with the intense opposition to the system that I wanted to see ten years ago.  Bret and I can still have a good chuckle about this.

As I near the forty year-old marker, it’s not that I’ve settled down.  It’s simply that I’ve turned off our cultural distractions long enough to give meditative contemplation to the forces that create personal reality.  I’ve thus far surmised that the energy we put out, via our focus of attention, shapes our lives, even on a physical, global scale.

A child will tell you that what you feed grows bigger.  Whatever it is that you want to grow bigger – feed that!  Whatever your vision of paradise on Earth, start to acknowledge it in little pieces.  Springtime is nearly upon us.  Hear the birdsongs in the morning.  Notice the variety of colored tulips.

This is not turning a blind eye toward the harsh realities of a bleak future.  This is opening our eyes to the perfection of moments that lead, one after another, through the gates of infinity!  If that sounds too mystical and flakey for you, how about:

Turn your attention toward solutions, not problems!

There, there, you’re safely back on Earth.  Now, take a deep breath of crisp, clean, fresh air, because every little gonna be alright!

Thanks, Bret.
Thanks, hippy guy.
Thanks, Bob Marley.
Thanks, tulips!

If you have any opinions on the subject,
feel free to leave a comment below!

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11 Days in a Dumpster!

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1 comment:

  1. Very well written. The surest way to change someone's ideas is to be the person they would like to be. Be compassionate and understanding of other's thoughts, ideas and feelings as you know not where they come from in life. Plant a tree, a seed or a thought so that others may enjoy it for a season or a lifetime. It is easier to change lives one at a time, rather than the masses.


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