Sunday, February 28, 2010

The Secret 4 Realms of the Law of Attraction: The Emotional Realm

You feel me?

Look out!  You have all of these desires coming at you from the spiritual realm.  Often, at lightening speeds!  Life delivers thousands of choices at your feet, every day.

Which ones help you best fulfill your purpose?
Which ones keep you stuck in the same old patterns?
Which ones bring you the "good" things in Life?
Which ones bring you pain?
Which ones are ethically right or wrong?

My friend, you have been blessed with a wonderful tool.....

The Internal Guidance System!

Here's how it works.  When the force of a desire moves into you, it causes an energy we call "emotion".  This energy of emotion fills your body with sensations.  The sensations are the meter you read to guide yourself along the path.  Functioning from this inner awareness is our natural state of being.  Only when the mind interferes and overrides this process, with its fearful judgments, is there any confusion.  The mind is only there to translate.

Try this simple exercise, you can use in any moment:

Sit back, and think of something you want.  Make it something you REALLY, REALLY want!  Visualize yourself getting it.

Is there an expanding in your chest?
Do you feel that tingly wave in your body?
Does a joyful smile or nod appear?

Love, joy, passion, exhilaration, and gratitude are just some of the signals that this desire is worthy of your attention.  Each individual has their own inner metal detector beeping when there is gold.  It has been called "intuition" - that gut feeling.  Theses signals may come to each of us in our own unique way, but the process is the same.

On the opposite side of the spectrum, when you consider a desire that goes against your true self, you start to get those not-so-good sensations.

Maybe your chest sinks.
Your body tightens.
Breathing becomes shallow.

Anger, fear, depression, worry and doubt are just a few examples of these negative signals.

Whatever your signals are, you can just FEEL when something isn't right.  This is your internal guidance system using a little tool called "stress" to make you turn around and head in the other direction.  This is our instinct.

Animals do not have the type of reasoning mind that humans possess.  They are ruled by their internal guidance system.  It is a tool that serves them very well, indeed.  Although they may not express all the emotions our reasoning minds easily interpret, they feel a spectrum of emotion that relates to ours.  This is our connection to them.

To put all of this very simply...How do you feel?  Is there joy surrounding your desire?  If so, move in THAT direction!  If not, reevaluate the situation.

Rooty REALLY, REALLY wants to own a coin shop, but is worried about taking the risk.  His internal guidance system is telling him not to move in that direction.  This doesn't mean that his desire to own a coin shop is "bad".  It means that this desire will not manifest, in a fulfilling way, with worry surrounding it.  At this point, if he is paying attention, his primary desire would be to explore his fear of risk-taking.  (Don't worry, Rooty gets his coin shop.)

Now you can see why it has been referred to as "the internal guidance system".  Your E-motions are that beeping sound within.  Allow your E-motions to guide you to your success.  As it has been said by poets, prophets and Mamas...


To summarize:

The force of desire enters you through the Spiritual Realm.  Its energy is absorbed through the Emotional Realm.  The byproduct is an E-motion.  That energy is then filtered through the blueprint of the mind (Mental Realm).  As energy attracts like energy, it is then manifested in the Physical Realm.

If you have any opinions on the subject,
feel free to leave a comment below!

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Bob Proctor (From "The Secret") Reveals "The 11 Forgotten Laws" That Make The Law of Attraction An Unbreakable Force 

Friday, February 26, 2010

Follow the Fun!!!

...down the rabbit hole!

When it comes to passion, I’ve noticed that most people go to either one, of two, extremes.  The first type feels overwhelmed with the choices of where to place their energies.

Should I go back to school?
Start a business?
Write a book?
Learn to cook?
All this, while I’m working my job and dealing with the kids?
Man, the dog just shit on the carpet!!!

We’ll call this the overactive type, for lack of a better description.

Then there is the type who is bored.  This type doesn’t feel inspired.  They, generally, settle into whatever personal distraction suits them.  In America, this usually includes brightly colored images on a screen.  We’ll call this the underactive type.

Often, these two types attract one another.  Sound familiar?

Good news!
There is a middle ground.
A zero point.

Like all solutions, it involves being in the present moment.

Now, at some time, we set goals of what we expect from life.

Someday, I hope to be a (fill-in-the-blank).
I want to have a certain amount of money,
be famous, fall in love...and so on.

Then, when challenges naturally occur, as part of the growth process, we find it easier to self-sabotage, then to persevere.

The overactive type finds a million other things that need to be done.  The underactive type figures, “Why even bother if it’s not going to work out, anyway?”  What’s ironic is that for both types of people the remedy is exactly the same.
Follow the fun!

I’m not suggesting that you abandon all of those lofty, well-designed plans you’ve made.  I mean, look how far they’ve gotten you (insert sarcasm)!  What I am suggesting, is that you look around at what excites you in every moment.

Some of my favorite hikes in the woods were not the ones where I planned to be at a certain place at a certain time, and then rushed to get there.  They were mellow journeys in which I felt inspired to follow a particular line of sycamore trees, or head toward a melodious sparrow’s call in the distance.  Follow the fun in every moment, and, one day, you will pause to witness a dazzling mosaic of experience surrounding you!

This approach works for the overactive type who lets go of the mile-long checklist in order to follow the fun, one project at a time.  Carrying in the groceries can lead to inspirational realizations, when one is not busy going over the next 15 tasks on the list.

For the underactive type, following the fun means consciously finding new joy in even the smallest activities.  This can lead to the door of inspiration opening further and further!

From an overactive viewpoint, I’ve taken great inspiration in the story of Leonardo da Vinci.  I’ve heard it stated that everyone surrounding this fascinating artist warned him that he was scattering his energies in too many fields, and that he should focus his attention on a single pursuit.

Da Vinci would study drawing for awhile, then suddenly shift gears and dabble in chemistry.  Just as abruptly, he would jump into biology, mechanics, painting or algebra.

He was following his fun!

Over a lifetime, this continued.  As time unfolded, he began combining the skills he learned from these various fields.  As a result, Leonardo da Vinci left the world with phenomenal marvels of genius!

So, I say to you, follow your fun in every moment.  Eventually, you will detach from your rigid expectations of the outcome.  This will happen because you’re too busy following your fun to worry where it leads.  Once you’re excited about every step upon the path, the thorn bushes will part before you, and the way will be made clear.

What an easy way to reach the castle!

P.S. – I wrote this blog for you, because it was fun!

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feel free to leave a comment below!

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11 Days in a Dumpster!

Karma.......One of the easiest ways to get something is to give it to another.  Well, if you'd like to make money doing what you love, then here's your chance to help another (me).

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Bob Proctor (From "The Secret") Reveals "The 11 Forgotten Laws" That Make The Law of Attraction An Unbreakable Force 

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The Tao is the Way

Yes Way, Jose!

What in the HELL is the “Tao”?
How do you say THAT?
It’s Chinese?
Is that some kinda Kung-Fu?
Too weird.
I don’t get it!

Well, let’s simplify.  I believe many westerners are obviously unfamiliar with the Tao (pronounced “Dow”) due to language and cultural barriers.  Yet, I guarantee that if the Chinese had ice cream, and we did not, it wouldn’t be long before most in America knew what it tasted like and how to pronounce it.

“Well, that ain’t the same!  I don’t have to sit and THINK about ice cream.  I can taste it, enjoy it and let the pleasure fill my innards!”  Actually, it is pretty much the same with the Tao.

That’s the entire point!

The Tao, translated into English, means “The Way”.  Jesus said, “I am the Way.”  It’s the same Way.  The Way simply means the flow of life, the God-essence not only within all things, vibrating from the core, but the energy traveling through all things, giving it life.

No beginner’s lesson on the Tao is complete without mentioning the bible of Taoism.  It is the “Tao Te Ching” (Dow Day Ching) by Lao Tsu (Lah-oh Soo).  First of all, this book is relatively short, or might I say concise.  The translation I own is 86 pages.  I love that!  This brevity allows one to contemplate the impact each line delivers.  Secondly, it is written in a poetic fashion.

The metaphor of water is attributed to the Tao.  The Tao Te Ching, literally translated as “Book of the Way”, illustrates the way in which the Tao, as water, seeks to fill all voids (nature abhors a vacuum.)  It is supple and yielding, yet, can be most powerful and destructive.

This book speaks much of balance, illustrated as the familiar concept of yin-yang.  You know, the black and white teardrop image we’ve turned into stickers that kids can buy out of bubble gum machines.  After all, life is a delicate dance of opposites all around us, causing the force of friction that animates our very being.

Whoa, dichotomy!

Finally, what I most love about the Tao, is that those who enjoy its beauty and wisdom have not made a god out of it.  The Tao is the way of God, but it is also God!  The Tao is inside each of us, and it is us!  It is all one force – energy.  This spiritual expression comes closer to the proven laws of physics than any I’ve encountered, and the Tao Te Ching was written in the 6th century BC!

I implore you to listen to the stream.  Breathe.  Feel the pulsating rhythm of the Being within you and flowing through you.  Experience the balance and centeredness that result.  Keep breathing.  Keep flowing.  Be the stream!

Gently release the idea of who you think you need to be.  When you let yourself go, you will return to who you are – the Way, the Tao.

Thanks to Tanis Justice for the re-inspiration!

If you have any opinions on the subject,
feel free to leave a comment below!

Stay loose, and check out my humor blog
11 Days in a Dumpster!

Karma.......One of the easiest ways to get something is to give it to another.  Well, if you'd like to make money doing what you love, then here's your chance to help another (me).

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Bob Proctor (From "The Secret") Reveals "The 11 Forgotten Laws" That Make The Law of Attraction An Unbreakable Force 

Monday, February 22, 2010

The Marriage of Creation and Evolution: How it All Began

I do!

The following is an attempt to briefly explain my own radical theory on the beginnings of humankind.  Please note that this is one of any number of theories that a wandering mind may stumble upon, while trekking upon the wide-open, candyland trail of Truth.  As Buddhists and hillbillies say, “It’s all relative.”  I have kept myself open to all possible outlets of this relative Truth, whether it be a culture, an experience, a religious movement, a personal experience, etc.  By doing so, I have been able to assemble conclusions that go beyond what society self-servingly spoon feeds the masses, to a sense of personal spiritual awareness.  And yet, I still don’t know shit!  HAHAHEEHAEHHEAEHAHEHEH!!!!!  (Lunatic laugh).

To begin with, a definition of “God” is in order.  As far as I’ve concluded, God is the ineffable awareness present within the matrix of energy which encompasses All.  Fair enough.

In the beginning there was void.  God breathed.  This represents the Big Bang.  Then came the creation period of the Bible.  This describes the forming of the Earth over a length of time.  “Seven days of creation” simply represents a number of Earth transformations that enabled life to flourish – the waters, the firmament (sky), and so on.  The Bible be representin’!

During this drawn out span of time, evolution occurred.  If man evolved from an animal, be it fish, bird, or ape, eventually he began to stand more and more erect.  There came a time when the spine vertically aligned, bridging Heaven and Earth.  The energy centers of the body, the chakras, kick in.  The meridians and central nervous system operate at full capacity.

The first ones to experience this event are identified as primordial man and woman, also known as Adam and Eve.  No longer were they conscious beings ruled by instinct.  They were now conscious of consciousness, aware of their awareness.  Hey, we’re naked!!!  This is what truly distinguishes man from beast.

As far as the Big Bang theory is concerned, scientists inform us that the Universe is currently in a constant state of expansion.  It is postulated that one day we will reach critical mass, and the Universe will begin contracting.  Eventually, everything will return to an infinite point – the void.  This, my friends, is the Universe exhaling and inhaling.  The breath of God!  It boggles the mind to wonder how many Universal breaths have come and gone before us, throughout infinity.

I’ve arrived at my own, and heard, many other fascinating theories on primordial man.  I decided to throw out the heaviest first.  Many Muslims believe that the apple with which Eve tempted Adam was oral sex.  Another very appealing idea is that the Earth was seeded with humans from an extraterrestrial source.  This would render us a cosmic ant farm, with God (or Gods) being project manager.  It would be a more befitting definition of “Intelligent Design”.

One day, I shall expound on my personal favorite, which identifies the forbidden fruit as the amanita muscaria – a magic mushroom.

Stay tuned!

If you have any opinions on the subject,
feel free to leave a comment below!

Stay loose, and check out my humor blog
11 Days in a Dumpster!

Karma.......One of the easiest ways to get something is to give it to another.  Well, if you'd like to make money doing what you love, then here's your chance to help another (me).

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Bob Proctor (From "The Secret") Reveals "The 11 Forgotten Laws" That Make The Law of Attraction An Unbreakable Force 

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Modern Mystics and the Power of Intent

.....AND I MEAN IT!!!

Being assistant coordinator of psychic festivals, and an avid “new-age hippy” for 20+ years, I’ve heard a lifetime’s worth of claims that certain object have magical powers.  This stone will protect you from evil forces.  The sound of this bell will align you to your soulmate, etc., etc.  I’ve also witnessed many a searcher grasping for a totem, a potion, or the right book that will erase all of life’s challenges.  Of course, supply and demand enter the picture from all angles, whether it’s the snake oil salesman duping the blind man, or the truly compassionate tarot card reader guiding one toward bliss.

The one aspect of the metaphysical field I would like to touch upon is the power of intent.  To proceed with this discussion, I implore the reader to understand the concept that “all is energy”.  Every physical object is merely a concentrated field of vibration.  Modern physics has stated that no object takes any particular form in our world until our mind (also vibrations) perceives the object.  Very heavy stuff!
Now, if physics concludes that the chair you’re sitting in is only real, because you expect it to be real, can you see how the properties of a gemstone will only affect you to the degree you expect?  Even in the Bible, Jesus stated that he has no power to heal without the person’s belief in him - their expectation.

Admittedly, I’ve experienced much positive intent on the part of modern mystics.  Most I’ve encountered are aware, or becoming aware, of this concept.  A handful are blissfully ignorant of the principles and dynamics of intent, yet achieve results.  I guess one doesn’t need a degree in electrical engineering to flip a light switch.  Perhaps, I’m digging too deeply into defining this force.

I feel that I’m directing this piece more toward the beginner on the scene.  Simply note that the tarot card reader is merely interfacing with you at a particular time and space.  The seemingly random cards are placed before you.  Your intent has attracted these waves of vibration to culminate in pictures and images on a card that you are using another human being to interpret. 

If it seems bizarre and confusing – it is!
Congratulations on your creation!!!   

If you have any opinions on the subject,
feel free to leave a comment below!

Stay loose, and check out my humor blog
11 Days in a Dumpster!

Karma.......One of the easiest ways to get something is to give it to another.  Well, if you'd like to make money doing what you love, then here's your chance to help another (me).

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Bob Proctor (From "The Secret") Reveals "The 11 Forgotten Laws" That Make The Law of Attraction An Unbreakable Force 

Thursday, February 18, 2010

The Secret 4 Realms of the Law of Attraction: The Spiritual Realm

Following is my continued examination of 
The Secret 4 Realms of the Law of Attraction!

We shall examine each of these 4 Realms a little more closely. We will begin in the clouds and work our way down to Earth.

THE SPIRITUAL REALM - Desire is the Compass!

Somewhere, out there, awaits another bliss for you! To arrive at this bliss, doesn't it make sense to follow a trail of bliss? To find a pot of gold which would you follow; a trail of gold, or a trail of raisins?


As in nature, Life wants you to fulfill your desires for the benefit of All. The acorn is given a natural impetus to become an oak tree. It does so effortlessly. What if it were possible for an acorn to choose what it wanted to be? What if that tiny acorn fought to at least become a blade of grass, never realizing the awesome potential within it's very being? What if this little nut used all it's energy to struggle against Mama Nature? Would it not whither?
The Universe provides EVERYTHING plants need. Water, sun and soil are bestowed in nearly overwhelming abundance. Nature's only desire for the algae, dandelion or star fruit tree is that they simply exist. The expression of that plant's very being allows it to give back to Nature in the continuous cycle of sustaining Life.

The purpose of vegetation is clear. It does not till or toil with struggle or strife. Fearing "shoulds" and "should nots" is not the lot of a Forget-me-not! Some would argue that a plant has no choice, but we humans do. Might I say that when you begin to realize your purpose, you may feel that you have no choice, either. If any one of us would merely shift our perception and wake up to this very moment, the world before us would part it's thorny bushes and the kingdom would be revealed! The imaginary fog would lift. The true essence of being would uncover that which has always been there - an avalanche of profound prosperity beyond your wildest dreams!

Someone might say, "Well, I hate my job! What if my happiness is staying at home eating ice cream every day?" My answer is that eventually this form of happiness may shift. Perhaps you would begin to feel lazy, unhealthy or even bored. When these unpleasant feelings arise, a new joy may seem more attractive. Taking a walk, learning to play piano or visiting an old friend may come to mind. People tend to seek pleasure and avoid pain. When one choice appears to offer a greater reward, that path is chosen. After eating your eleventh gallon of double-chocolate-brownie ice cream in three weeks, riding a bike in the fresh air may seem more appealing.

I've heard Buddhists comment that you can only be sure of two things in life:
1. Change is constant.
2. Life is relative based on your perception of it.

Now, if we apply these two basic principles to your desires, we arrive at the following Truth:


This means that Life is always forming itself around the judgments you have about your desires. "Do I deserve this or not?" Whether you want something or don't want something, Life forms itself to match your perception. Quite simply, if you feel that you deserve something, it is possible for you to have it. As long as you feel UNDESERVING, it will not be yours.

Desire is the compass! It is eternally linked to your success and leads the way. Each desire carries within itself the seed for its own fulfillment, just as the acorn carries within itself the fulfillment of an oak tree.

Desires, drive, ambition, wants, needs, goals, dreams, wishes, hope, whatever you wanna call them, these pulls are different shades and varieties of one specific force.


If you have any opinions on the subject,
feel free to leave a comment below!

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11 Days in a Dumpster!

Karma.......One of the easiest ways to get something is to give it to another.  Well, if you'd like to make money doing what you love, then here's your chance to help another (me).

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Bob Proctor (From "The Secret") Reveals "The 11 Forgotten Laws" That Make The Law of Attraction An Unbreakable Force 

Monday, February 15, 2010

Rich vs. Poor

Two Sides of a Golden Coin!

Are you "poor"?

How easy would it be for you to become poor?  How much effort would go into emptying your wallet and bank account into the pockets of strangers, and placing your valuables on the curb?  Presto, you're poor, right?  Seems pretty easy to be poor!

Are you "rich"?

How easy would it be for you to become rich?  How much effort would go into filling your wallet and bank account from the pockets of strangers, and placing valuables all around you?  Presto, you're rich, right?  Seems pretty easy to be rich!

What's that you say?

To be poor, you just....DO NOTHING, and misery will magically happen?
To be rich, you long hours of your precious time, often doing things you dislike, sacrifice, struggle and save in the hopes of attaing wealth you have no time to enjoy?

The facts:

There are people who work their asses off to be poor.
There are people who (literally) sit back, and let poor happen.
There are people who work their asses off to be rich.
There are people who (literally) sit back, and let rich happen.

Purple and yellow are opposites in the color spectrum.
Which one is more difficult?
Turning your head to the left is no more difficult than turning your head to the right.

Where is your head?


If the river gave water, but felt unworthy to receive,
it would dry up.
If the river received water, but refused to give,
it would destroy all that surrounds it.

As soon as giving and receiving cease to be opposites,
so will rich and poor!!!

If you have any opinions on the subject,
feel free to leave a comment below!

Stay loose, and check out my humor blog
11 Days in a Dumpster!

Karma.......One of the easiest ways to get something is to give it to another.  Well, if you'd like to make money doing what you love, then here's your chance to help another (me).

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Bob Proctor (From "The Secret") Reveals "The 11 Forgotten Laws" That Make The Law of Attraction An Unbreakable Force