Wednesday, September 30, 2009

What is "Vibration Creation"?

Why did I name it that?

 You are literally swimming in a sea of vibration (except for the "swimming" part, and the "sea" is only a metaphor).  Okay, less poetically.....All that exists is vibration.  Stick with me here.  Atoms spinning in molecules at a certain vibration make up everything that "appears" to be solid.  The air, your hair, that chair, and Tony Blair only exist at the speed in which they vibrate.  Therefore, Tony Blair is a vibrator!

Question:  Hey Skot, what happens when you change the speed at which an object is vibrating?
 Answer:  It becomes something else.

Pretty simple, huh?

You can swirl the air molecules around a pencil to make it move (good at parties), turn a silver pencil into a blue pencil (good for picking up chicks), turn sand molecules into fish and loaves of bread (good for feeding hungry masses), and even turn a turd into an apple.....Hey, I recycle.  Think of the possibilities of living in paradise!  This is the metaphor of the Garden of Eden.

Question:  So, what finely tuned instrument do we use to pull off such feats of fancy?
Answer:  You guessed it.....A microwave and a strobe light!  Nope, it's the brain.

Your grey matter sends out brainwaves which are measurable by (hold on, now).....SCIENCE!!!
These brainwaves interface (run into) the vibration of an object and alter its frequency.  Change-O-Presto!  This is like dropping two pebbles at opposite ends of a pond and watching the ripples meet in the middle.  A new wave manifests.

This is happening continuously, on such deep and subtle levels, with every thought we have.  Our life is created in this manner.  I will use this Vibration Creation blog to explore the process of creating reality from many different angles.

Welcome aboard, wave surfers!

Stay loose, and check out my new humor blog

Karma.......One of the easiest ways to get something is to give it to another.  Well, if you'd like to make money doing what you love, then here's your chance to help another (me).

If you benefit from Vibration Creation,
you can do three things:
  1. Spread the word!
  2. Click the ads!
  3. Subscribe!
Bob Proctor (From "The Secret") Reveals "The 11 Forgotten Laws" That Make The Law of Attraction An Unbreakable Force



Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Let the Game Begin

Warm (in fact, tepid) regards.

I'm Skot, at least that's what others have hinted at.

The blog you are peering upon
(I can feel the peer pressure) shall:
  1.  Center upon the creation of "reality".  How can anything not?
  2.  Go off on tangents, like me telling you how two mornings ago I woke up, and my first thought was "I would really love to have a new pillow."  Then, I walked to my friend's house and, as I waited for him to answer the door, a truck drove by.  I turned around and saw a pillow fly from the load the truck was carrying.  I yelled, "HAAAAY!!!" (as in "Hey!), but he never came back.....for five minutes.  True story!
  3.  Be rife with nonsense (see #6)
  4.  Remain interesting to the point of sheer boredom
  5.  Challenge your thoughts ( I think)
  6.  Occasionally contain the number "6" 

This is my family after three hours of sleep:

Rooty, Skot, Tonyana

Spirituality = Feeling good.
Humor = Feeling good.
Spirituality + Humor = Feeling great!!!

(and bee-girls).

Stay loose, and check out my humor blog

Karma.......One of the easiest ways to get something is to give it to another.  Well, if you'd like to make money doing what you love, then here's your chance to help another (me).

If you benefit from Vibration Creation,
you can do three things:
  1. Spread the word!
  2. Click the ads!
  3. Subscribe!

Bob Proctor (From "The Secret") Reveals "The 11 Forgotten Laws" That Make The Law of Attraction An Unbreakable Force